Cape Town


Cape Town Insurance South Africa


Dial Direct provides either:

  • Comprehensive cover: all own accidental damage, theft and hijacking, accidental death or injuries of third parties as well as damage to third party property. Motor vehicle accessories are automatically covered free of charge under comprehensive cover.
  • Third party fire and theft cover: theft and hijacking, accidental death or injuries of third parties, damage to third party property as well as own damage in the form of fire lightning and explosion.
  • Third party only cover: accidental third party property damage, death and injury on privately owned motor cars, such as sedans, station wagons, and LDV's. Cars may be insured for social and/or business purposes. The majority of motor vehicle accessories are automatically covered, free of charge, under the comprehensive policy. In certain instances, company owned vehicles will also be taken on risk.

Motor Vehicle Insurance Click here for an obligation free online quote!


Dial Directs Home Contents Policy covers all items one would normally take with when moving home.
Examples: Furniture, clothing, electric and electronic equipment, curtains, loose carpets and rugs, gardening tools etc.

These items enjoy cover against a wide range of specific perils such as fire, theft, flood etc. whilst inside the house or outbuildings.

Automatically included: Public as well as domestic employee’s and tenant’s liability cover extensions.

Home Insurance Click here for an obligation free online quote!


Dial Directs also insures all those things one would leave behind when moving house.
Examples: Private residential home structures, fences, outbuildings, swimming pools, tennis courts etc.

Building Insurance Click here for an obligation free online quote!


A further inclusion to the Dial Direct risk portfolio is cover for motorcycles and their standard accessories. These vehicles can be insured comprehensively for social, domestic and pleasure purposes. Third Party Liability cover is also included.

Motorcycle Insurance Click here for an obligation free online quote!


Certain personal portable possessions, such as cell phones, jewellery, cameras, expensive clothing, fire arms, laptop computers etc. are exposed to greater risks when taken outside the home. These can be covered under Dial Directs all-encompassing Portable Possessions Policy, which provides wider cover with no geographical limits.

Portable Possessions Insurance Click here for an obligation free online quote!


Comprehensive cover for private use purposes is also granted for caravans and trailers. Caravans and trailers with their standard, factory fitted accessories may be covered individually or in combination with other risks.

The caravan policy also includes an additional cover option for loose contents e.g. crockery, bedding appliances etc. that were bought together with the caravan.

Caravan or Trailer Insurance Click here for an obligation free online quote!


Yachts, catamarans, dinghies, motor boats, rubber ducks and jet ski’s are all examples of the watercraft Dial Direct insures comprehensively for social and pleasure purposes. All machinery and motor(s), standard fittings, gear, equipment and fitted accessories are included and cover exists not only when the craft is ashore or afloat, but also when it is being transported by road, sea, air or rail. Medical costs, third party liability and optional water-skiers liability cover are all included with this comprehensive policy.

Watercraft Insurance Click here for an obligation free online quote

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Dial Direct Insurance